

The Never Ending Grape Stalk
By Ananda Greentree

In the town of London was a little house, and in the little house was a boy called Harry. He lived with his mother, and they were very poor. His favourite hobby was magic.

One day Harry went to the park and found a stick which he thought looked like a wand. So he picked it up, waved it in the air, and said “Abracadabra!”
POP – A grape stalk appeared in the air and fell.
He was horrified. His mouth was open and his eyes were wide. He was so surprised that he almost fainted.
When he had recovered, he picked it up by the end.
Then suddenly, POP - POP - POP - POP… Little lumps appeared on the grape stalk. The lumps began to move and grew into grapes.
He was even more surprised than before. He was so surprised that he did faint. When he woke up he felt dizzy, so he went home with the grape stalk and told his mum all about it.

Harry’s mum clapped. “Well done Harry, you got us some food! I’m so proud.”
“That’s good. But won’t last long,” he said.
Harry rushed upstairs without the grape stalk.
His mum shouted “5 minutes till bedtime.”
Harry played with his toys for 5 minutes.
“OK… Bed-time,” his mum called. Harry changed into his pyjamas, brushed his teeth and slipped into bed.

The next morning Harry and his mum had grapes for breakfast. They were so yummy, that they couldn’t resist eating them all.
“Harry darling,” his mum said when they were finished. “Can you put the grape stalk in the bin?”
“Yes mum.” Harry picked it up by the end.
Then suddenly, POP - POP - POP - POP… Little lumps appeared on the grape stalk. The lumps began to move and grew into grapes again.

As soon as the grapes had grown back, Harry’s mum smiled. “Shall we eat them up so I can have a go at that?”
“Yes please,” Harry dribbled.
Harry and his mum ate them up, once again.
This time Harry’s mum tried to reform the grapes. It didn’t work!
Harry and his mum looked at each other.
“Maybe it’s because I made the grapes, that they only grow for me..!” Harry suggested. “Why don’t I try it again?”
Harry picked it up by the end, and it worked.

“Now we will never be hungry again!” Harry’s mum said happily.


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